A few days ago, Mimi Chakraborty, a popular Tollywood actress and Member of Parliament of West Bengal, faced a bad experience. On the way back from a vacation in France, he suddenly got hair from the food provided by the airline.
Later he shared the picture of the food plate. Later, Mimi's 'hair incident' also came under fire from face actress and BJP leader Papia Adhikari.
The heroine has to cope with all this bad experience. Sometimes the field of politics, sometimes light-camera-action work. But this time as a direct attack on him! Seeing this, two bodyguard dogs came forward.
Mimi uploaded a video on social media. He wrote in the caption, "Mother's Bodyguard".
In the video, the actress is seen lying on her mother's lap. At this time, the heroine started shouting 'Bachao Bachao' to see what the two pet dogs do when they are in danger.
Tali star's two dogs understand the danger by hearing the scream. So dogs Lab and Husky rush to rescue. And seeing that, Mimi burst out laughing.